WEDNESDAY JUNE 28th 1972 NEWSIn Melbourne the fallout from the Sydney SUNDAY Herald-SUN 25th June 1972 attracted media attention on Wednesday 28th June 1972 in The HERALD It's NSW BID TO STALL SUPER CARS the Premier hints at contract the herald wed 28th JUNE 1972 bigthe herald wed 28th JUNe 1972-wwThe HERALD WED 28th JUNe HE 1 70The HERALD MON 26th JUNE 72. HE w25th JUNE 1972 SUNDAY25th JUNE 1972 SUNDAYUntitled - 2
In Melbourne the fallout from the Sydney SUNDAY Herald-SUN 25th June 1972 attracted media attention on Wednesday 28th June 1972 in The HERALD It's NSW BID TO STALL SUPER CARS the Premier hints at contract the herald wed 28th JUNE 1972 bigthe herald wed 28th JUNe 1972-wwThe HERALD WED 28th JUNe HE 1 70The HERALD MON 26th JUNE 72. HE w25th JUNE 1972 SUNDAY25th JUNE 1972 SUNDAYUntitled - 2